Command Lookup

OBDCommands are objects used to query information from the vehicle. They contain all of the information neccessary to perform the query, and decode the cars response. Python-OBD has built in tables for the most common commands. They can be looked up by name, or by mode & PID.

import obd

c = obd.commands.RPM

# OR

c = obd.commands['RPM']

# OR

c = obd.commands[1][12] # mode 1, PID 12 (RPM)

The commands table also has a few helper methods for determining if a particular name or PID is present.


Checks the internal command tables for the existance of the given OBDCommand object. Commands are compared by mode and PID value.

import obd
obd.commands.has_command(obd.commands.RPM) # True


Checks the internal command tables for a command with the given name. This is also the function of the in operator.

import obd

obd.commands.has_name('RPM') # True

# OR

'RPM' in obd.commands # True

has_pid(mode, pid)

Checks the internal command tables for a command with the given mode and PID.

import obd
obd.commands.has_pid(1, 12) # True